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Events and information about bats in East Yorkshire

About Us

East Yorkshire Bat Group (EYBG) is a voluntary organisation set up in 1990, one of around 90 similar county-based bat conservation groups in the UK. EYBG is a partner group within the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) and works in partnership with Natural England.

What we do


Bats face a range of threats from persecution to habitat loss. East Yorkshire Bat Group is committed to providing additional homes for bats, monitoring and studying  of our local bats and helping share the secret world of bats with members of the public and wildlife enthusiasts alike. We are a group of volunteers with varying experiences in the ecological industry relying on funding from donations and memberships to attend education events for the public, provide boxes for bats to use at our sites and working to secure their future. We welcome one-off donations or small monthly contributions which you can cancel at any time!

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